Burbank Memorial Omnium

Title: Burbank Memorial Omnium – Promoted by Pedali Alpini

When: Friday, 27 June, 7:00p-10:00p

Who: Cat 123, Women 123, 40+ Masters 123

Schedule: Races will consist of traditional track races, starting with 1 KM scratch races and finishing with the Don Peterson Scratch Race. Exact schedule will depend on rider registration and will be available at the race. Musical Chairs Race is musical chairs on bicycles (running shoes suggested).


  • Opens at 5:30 pm and closes at 6:45 pm

  • First race is at 7:00 pm

  • Rain or wet track cancels the sessions.

  • Pre-registration is through BikeReg

  • All races are held under the rules of USA Cycling.

Cost: $20 (includes $3 USAC & $5 NCVA Fees) Juniors are Free, $6 for parking.

Other: Everyone must sign in for the session and pay track fees and complete the waiver.

Additional Details: Check out the Event Flyer

Eric Peterson: eric939@redshift.com

USAC Permit #2014-2010