In addition to getting back to a full schedule of sessions, resuming Timed Events and Match Sprints back in March, and now getting back into Racing in mid June – the Board has been working on a number of other projects. Check them out.
Operation Flagpole: The pulley system on the flagpole got jammed up so we couldn’t replace our already worn out flags. Time to give it a full face lift – new pulley system, new hardware at the top, a fresh coat of paint and new flags.
Annual Springtime Weeding: We usually spend about $400 on a weeding project in the late spring but with the help of the County Parks and some more regular weed whacking on our part we’re planning to avoid that expense this year. The Parks dept has supplied us with tractor loads of mulch in key places to block the weeds from popping out. We mulched in front of our back containers – looks nice!
Asphalt Patch: The asphalt patch on the apron in turn #4 still needs some work. It hasn’t really hardened in the middle like we want it to. So that small area will need to be redone. The cones will stay there until this is done. Sorry about that one.
Track Records Board: After a couple attempts we finally got the right type of outdoor stickers to make the Track Records board hold up to the elements – at least for a while – we’ll see.
HellyerReg: We are really stoked that we’ve been able to build out our own little online registration service with a combination of Square and some Google sheets code. We’ve always wanted to get away from cash transactions at event registration. Plus, we’re able to save the race promoters some money since our per-registration online fees aren’t as high as the usual online race registration fees.
Other Promoter Assistance: In addition to HellyerReg we’re helping promoters with their race planning, promotion on social media, race flyers and results processing and archiving.
2021 Branded Merchandise: We had our 2nd annual T-shirt design contest. In addition to T-shirts, this year we offered up some casual caps, disc wheel stickers, distance stickers for your car window and of course Hellyer water bottles. If you missed out on the order there are still items available here,
Track Cracks: We’ve started filling some of the bigger cracks on the track itself. We’re not filling all the micro-cracks, we’re starting with the bigger cracks.
If you want to volunteer to help with future projects, reach out to any Board member. We already have a number of volunteers contributing to the Board Projects but we can always use more. Thanks everyone, looking forward to see you at the races.
Hellyer Velodrome Board