We are happy to announce that Christopher Bonilla once again received the most votes for Contributor of the Year for the 2018 season. He has also become a full NCVA Supervisor, as he has successfully supported and helped with the majority of Saturday AM Beginner sessions for three years now. His attitude in helping with these Saturday sessions and many other track events has been excellent. We welcome Chris to the NCVA Supervisor’s team.
Matt Martinez received the 2nd most votes, as you know he works closely with Daryl Hemenway to put on our excellent Wednesday night race series. Matt also runs our Elite and Masters District Championships as well. Matt’s ability to run and announce a great track race while simultaneously tracking one hundred time splits is uncanny. We are extremely lucky to have track race organizers like Matt, and welcome him to the 2019 NCVA Board of Directors as well.
See our previous Contributors of the Year.